Part Five of Our Five Part Series – How to Quit Your Job & Become a Full-time Blogger Series – Part Five: Earning Money (Monetization)
Hey Everyday Made Fresh readers! Finally.... this is step five in a blogging series titled How to Quit Your Job and Become a Full Time Blogger (Part Five of Our Five Part Series – How to Quit Your Job & Become a Full-time Blogger Series – Part Five: Earning Money (Monetization)). You can check out the other posts here:
Start Your Blog Today
Consistent Quality Content
Promote That Content
Media Kits and Pricing Guides
I’m no expert by any means. I’m not like some bloggers who has their husband working behind the scenes, and their entire income is based around their blog. However, I do make a decent monthly paycheck, and it increases every year. It helps pay the bills, and at the end of the day I’m happy with my career choice.
Hopefully, one day Everyday Made Fresh will be the sole bread winner in the family! I’d love to have Zack working behind the scenes, even if it was nothing but VA (virtual assistant) work. Anyway.
I’m going to be sharing what has worked, and is working for me. Keep in mind that what works for me, may not work for you. If you aren’t making any money from your blog right now or you’d like to increase your income, then these tips are for you!
So get ready: Part Five of Our Five Part Series – How to Quit Your Job & Become a Full-time Blogger Series – Part Five: Earning Money (Monetization)
What is monetization?
Monetization is the fancy word for making money with your blog. The word may already be part of your vocabulary, if you’ve ever done any research on how to make money with your blog.
I’m going to assume if you’re here reading this then you have a blog or you’re getting ready to start one. If you do not have a blog yet, check out this post Start Your Blog Today. If you have a blog, and you’re ready to make money, keep reading.
There are so many ways to create income from your blog. We are going to talk blog income, and not social media income (income based on social media only). However, you have to have social media in place to make the most of your blogging income. You need a Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram - if you want to make money when using blogging networks. So let’s talk blogging networks first.
What are blogging networks?
Blogging networks are basically businesses set up for bloggers to join. When you join you have access to different opportunities to work with companies, and make money. Most blogging networks have applications you must fill out first and be accepted. The criteria varies, so my suggestion would be to read up on each individual network you are interested in, and apply accordingly.
Over the lifespan of Everyday Made Fresh, I have applied to dozens, belong to many, and have only worked with a few. Just because you are a part of the network doesn’t mean you are guaranteed a job or any money. There is a much better chance to earn money, but it’s not easy.
So, how do blogging networks work? How can I make money with a blogging network?
Once you’re in, you may be sent emails, or there may be a dashboard that you must check periodically for open opportunities. These opportunities are usually with large companies...General Mills, Mars, Coca-Cola, etc. (keep in mind I’m a food blogger, so my advice/experience is for food) An opportunity is usually for a food product where a recipe will need to be created using the brands’ particular product. When you look at this opportunity you’ll learn the amount that you’ll earn, if selected, and what the details entail. You are going to apply for the opportunity that you think is the best fit for you and your blog.
This is where your niche will come in. If you are a baking blog, and only share recipes for pies, cakes, and cookies, a savory grilling recipe may not be the best choice. I’m not saying to not apply, but you’re going to apply, and so is a hundred other bloggers, and you’re all going to pitch your recipes, and then the company is going to look at all of your blogs, and make their decision based on a number of factors, from creativeness of the recipe, to the blog itself. So choose wisely.
Once you apply, you’ll be notified if you are accepted. Once selected, you will either have to shop at a particular store for the product, or they may send it to you. Either way, you’ll sign an online contract, where you’re agreeing to all their details, from payment to what they expect from you, and what you’ll be doing. ie writing your post, how many photos, what social platforms you’ll be sharing too, and what links they want you to use.
Blogging networks are a great way to get those sponsored posts on your blog! This is a great place to start if you're nervous about contacting random companies on your own.
How do I find Blogging Networks?
Do a quick search online. There are SO many out there. The two that I have worked with the most are Social Fabric and Clever Girls Network.
Reach Out to Companies!
Once you have some sponsored posts behind you, you may find that while you enjoy working with blogging networks, you may want to do it on your own. You can, and you should! Give it your all and go for it. What is honestly the worst thing that can happen? They don’t respond back. It happens. It’s ok. Cross them off your list for now and move on. List? Yep.
Before you reach out to companies, you need to make a list of companies that you use and love. Follow them on social media, if they have an account, and start interacting with them. Like their posts, retweet their tweets, comment on their posts. Work up a pitch email. I have no idea what makes a good pitch email. What works for one, doesn’t always work for another.
Are you enjoying Part Five of Our Five Part Series – How to Quit Your Job & Become a Full-time Blogger Series – Part Five: Earning Money (Monetization), so far?
How do I pitch companies?
I start with the subject saying something like Everyday Made Fresh and (name of company pitching) Collaboration or Partnership. Then I write a short and sweet email telling them why I love their product/company and what I can do for them. My pitch email honestly changes each time I contact someone, depending on what I'm pitching for.
So far, and I'll be honest, I have sent so many pitch emails, and so far, I either haven't heard back from them (crickets), or they will respond with they don't have a budget at this time. I move on. It happens to all bloggers.
Last but not least, affiliate sales!
I’ll be the first to admit, I have one affiliate, and it’s Amazon. It’s easy to use, and I’m always on Amazon, so why not use them as an affiliate. I literally make about $20 a year in affiliate sales. It’s just not something that I really know much about. I’ve read tons of articles. I even have an ebook somewhere on my computer that I downloaded. I have read where some bloggers have more income from affiliate sales than ad revenue! That blows my mind!!
What is an affiliate sale? Basically, you place a special link in your post that links to a product or service, and then if the person clicks on it, and actually purchases that product, you will make a % from it. Amazon is the only one, I believe, that the person doesn’t actually have to buy the exact item you linked too. They just have to make a purchase within the same session they have clicked on the link from your site.
Example...I click on an affiliate link for a blender, but I don’t buy the the blender, instead Kayla walks in and tells me she’s interested in a book, I type in the title for that book in the search bar, and buy it instead….that person then makes a % from the book that I bought! I am sure that if I put more effort into affiliate sales then I could make that a larger income, but so far I haven’t. Maybe that’s something I’ll enlist this year. I just need to do some more research on it.
Did you follow along with the whole series? Did you learn anything new? Are you receiving an income from your blog? If so, what's your biggest earner? I mentioned two blogging networks, are there some you are a part of that you like? Did you enjoy Part Five of Our Five Part Series – How to Quit Your Job & Become a Full-time Blogger Series – Part Five: Earning Money (Monetization)?