Part Four of Our Five Part Series – How to Quit Your Job & Become a Full-time Blogger Series – Part Four: Media Kits and Pricing Guides
Hey Everyday Made Fresh readers! Today is Part Four of Our Five Part Series – How to Quit Your Job & Become a Full-time Blogger Series – Part Four: Media Kits and Pricing Guides To read more in the series check out:
Start Your Blog Today
Consistent Quality Content
Promote that Content
If you’re serious about blogging and making money, you’re going to need a media kit, this post How to Quit Your Job and Become a Full Time Blogger - Part Four: Media Kits and Pricing Guides is gonna help with that.
What is a media kit?
A media kit is a document that outlines facts about your blog, statistics, and most times a small list of companies you’ve worked with.
Why does a blogger need a media kit?
If you reach out to companies that you want to work with, 99% of the time they are going to ask you for your media kit. If a company sees your blog and wants to work with you, they are likely going to write you, and ask you if you have one. You need one, trust me.
A media kit isn’t hard to create. I use Photoshop, because it’s what I know and use for all of my images and graphics here. However, you can use almost any software. (this is where i got media kit template)
Here is my media kit and I update it once a month. It takes a matter of minutes to update the numbers. I keep this uploaded on to my site, and use the link to send along with my pitches to companies, or if they contact me, it's so much more professional to send a link to a PDF, as opposed to attaching it. Why a link? Hello, we are bloggers! We should know how to do these types of things. Kick off that email showing you know how to do something!
In your media kit you want to include a tiny piece about you/your blog and a personal photo. You do not want to write a lot about you or your blog. Companies and PR reps can read your about me section on your blog for all the details. So just a short and sweet paragraph is all you need.
You also want to include all of your site stats and social media numbers. Do not inflate any of these. You want to be upfront and honest, because companies want to work with bloggers of all sizes. You most likely won’t have much leverage when you’re smaller to ask for money.
Depending on the numbers they may really want to send you only the product for the review. This is fine when you're starting out, but for the sake of your worth, demand money later on. You are worth it! You may find it hard securing sponsored posts on your own (you’ll need blog networks, which I will discuss in Earning Money, part five of this series), but honest numbers goes a long way. Especially when a quick look on your social media channels will show your real numbers, and a quick look at various outlets will show what your actual page view ranges are.
Are you enjoying How to Quit Your Job and Become a Full Time Blogger - Part Four: Media Kits and Pricing Guides, so far?
What is a pricing guide?
A pricing guide is a guide set-up telling what you can do for a company that you want to work with, or that wants to work with you, and it lists your prices for those aspects.
I do not send my pricing guide at the same times as my media kit. Why? It’s a personal preference. I actually like companies to pitch a price to me, before I start talking prices to them. Sometimes, we don’t think as highly of our work as companies may, and they may shock the socks off of you with their offer. If you would have sent them a pricing guide first, you may receive the amount you ask for, which may be lower than what they were going to offer.
Where do I get my prices?
This one is tricky, because everyone seems to have their own ideas for this. I've seen this same question ask in various Facebook groups, and depending on the group you ask, your answers are gonna get a range or prices. One thing that I've seen a lot of people say is to use Social BlueBook. It's a free service to use, create an account, fill in all the links, and then it spits out some numbers for you, based on your pageviews, followers, etc. I tend to look at these prices, and then adjust accordingly, because to me, although some companies may pay you these prices, they seem a little inflated. But, it gives you somewhat of an idea. on how to price.
I only send my pricing guide, if someone actually asks me for prices. On my guide I have that the prices and packages are all negotiable.
My Pricing Guide Example
All prices/content are negotiable.
Social Media Promotion: $(price goes here)
Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
- Photos, links, hashtags, etc. that you provide
- Photos, links, hashtags, etc. that I provide (this option is only available if there is free product involved)
Sponsored Package (recipe creation): $(price goes here)
- One recipe created using the product(s) that you provide (if I purchase the branded product(s), reimbursement may be required)
- Created recipe will be published in one post on Everyday Made Fresh, with at least 300 words.
- 3 to 5 images. High quality photographs taken by me.
- Brand logo
- Includes social media promotion package
Sponsored Package (non-recipe): $(price goes here)
- One written post published on Everyday Made Fresh, with at least 300 words
- 1 to 3 images. High quality photographs taken by me, or you can provide stock images.
- Brand logo
- Includes social media promotion package
Brand Ambassador: Negotiable
I would love to represent your brand, as brand ambassador! Let's chat today!
If there is something that you are interested in, and you do not see here, please contact me. I am sure that we can work together to come up with something that works for Everyday Made Fresh and your company!
There you have it - Media Kits and Pricing Guides! Now go forth and create your media kit and pricing guide. Do you already have a media kit or pricing guide? Did you find this post helpful? I hope you enjoyed How to Quit Your Job and Become a Full Time Blogger - Part Four: Media Kits and Pricing Guides.
Amber Myers says
I need to do a media kit! I've had some companies ask and had to admit I did not have one. I do have rates so I'd pass that on, but I know I need a media kit.
robin rue says
You have lots of great advice for people just starting out. It's not always easy to get started, but I love your step by step instructions.
Alli Smith says
I updated my media kit a few months ago when I realized it didn't really look as professional as I wanted it to look. I took all the brands off and just listed my top awards. I always go back and forth as to whether my kit should be public (it is) or private.
Jeanette says
There is a lot of great points here. In order to be successful in the logging road you do definitely need to know about social media and how to build a following. This is a great post with a whole lot of tips.
Milton Goh says
This is a really useful post! I like your recommendation of how to price! I may be charging less than what im worth!
Lisa Favre says
This is really encouraging! I need to spruce up my media kit a little bit - definitely something I need to get on right away.
Krystal Butherus says
Great advice for a beginner blogger, or, a blogger who hasn't found the resources to do these things.
Jenn @ EngineerMommy says
These are important tips for bloggers. Having a media kit is crucial when brands ask for more information and want to see past experience. I recently revised my media kit and I'm happy with how it looks now.
Erica says
I've had my blog for a few years. But I didn't try to monetize it until a few months ago. So far, so good. I've mostly had companies approach me. But I do keep my media kit accessible on my website. I just need to remember to make a point of updated it continuously as I grow!
Heather @ Kraus House Mom says
I really need to update my media kit. This is a great post for those just starting out.
Rebecca Bryant says
Great information in here. I really need to get a better media kit. I paid someone to do mine but it wasn't very good. I need to find a better source.
Laura @ MommyDearest says
This is fantastic, as a new blogger this post and the previous ones i will be coming back to for reference. Thank you so much for writing this series
Pam says
Having a media kit is so important for bloggers. I didn't know how to make one when I first started blogging.
Terri Steffes says
I love that you update your media kit once a month. I am also taking a look at your format. I have a page, published but hidden, that I send the link to when asked.
reesa says
A lot of people do not understand this is not a quick thing to become a full time blogger. It took me almost 8 years!
Karlee says
This has helped me a lot! I know I'm just starting out so my numbers aren't super high but they are increasing so much over time, so I guess this is the next step to get serious about locking in sponsorships! I'm interested in learning more about brand representation, what exactly does that mean for a blogger?
Mellissa says
Very valuable information you've put together for everyone. It's definitely not an overnight thing.
AnnMarie John says
A media kit is what will help you get more sponsored posts, without a doubt. I think this is a pretty awesome guide for any beginner out there!
Franc Ramon says
A media kit can really help promote your blog. It also gives you vision and focus on your site.
My Teen Guide says
I think I need to tweak my About Me page after reading this article. I like how you presented your pricing list. That's is good information for PR agencies to know.
Anosa says
These are some really good tips for nayone wanting to make their blog a full time job. I do most of this now but not sure I am brave enough to take the plunge to make my blog my job though, saying it takes more time to run a lbog than it does to go to a full time job lol great advice.
Jessica Joachim says
This series has been wonderful! It is so important that even new bloggers realize that they can and should be charging for their work. I hear people say all the time that they aren't " big enough" to charge yet, but that is usually not true at all! I started charging and getting paid when I had rather small numbers and never had an issue with companies saying I was too small.
Jessica T says
I think it is totally important to note that there are many things you have to take into consideration when making Blogging your full-time income source. These are all really great tips.
Nancy P says
Media kits are totally a must have if you want companies to take you seriously. It is a really great idea to invest lots of time into getting it prepared.
Ricci says
These are all great tips for quitting your full time job to become a full time blogger. I wish I could, maybe one day!!
Nikki says
I totally agree with letting a company start the bidding. Sometimes they start at a higher price than you'd expect! If they do start too low, then you can send them your rates and go from there.
Amanda says
You have a good point about sending the media kit as a PDF, but I tend to send mine as an attachment because I only provide it by request. I feel like a ton of companies who reach out to me don't even want to see it but I can't figure out why.
Jessica Taylor says
I would love to stay home and be a blogger! I am working super hard to get to that point!
Kimberly Lewis says
this is a great article! every blogger needs to have this information.when you start out, you don't know what you are doing.
Nina Thomas says
Talk about timely and pertinent content. thank you so much for sharing. I will be needing this for my journey to quit my 9-5
Kita Bryant says
Once I made my media kit, it was a new ball game. IT was amazing what it did for my blog.
Kisa Johnson says
Oh yeah, I really need to get around to updating my media kit. I have been kind of coasting this year and I really need to put my head down and work harder at making an income with my blog.
Amanda Dorich says
This is all great information! I definitely need to head over to my site and update my media kit! Its been a while!
Latoyia Dennis says
Right out of the gate you are hrlping me. I need a media kit. Thsnk you so much.
Chelsea Damon says
This is a great media kit! Every blogger needs one if they want to work with brands!
Sylvia says
These are great tips! A media kit is a must have in my opinion, especially since so many companies ask for one.
Cindy Ingalls says
Media kits make pitching to brands so much easier because it gives them an idea of who you are and what you charge. It just takes a little bit of time to design/write it up and then you are good to go.
Marielle Altenor says
I've been a full-time blogger since 2016! I love the freedom of setting my own hours and being able to work from home.
Journa Ramirez says
Thanks for this helpful post. I am a virtual assistant and I find it helpful for my clients and myself too.