Part Two of Our Five Part Series - How to Quit Your Job & Become a Full-time Blogger Series - Part Two: Consistent Quality Content
Hey Everyday Made Fresh readers! Today we are continuing our five part series: How to Quit Your Job and Become a Full Time Blogger, and today we are tackling consistent quality content.
If you missed part one, you can check out How to Start Your Blog Today. It's perfect for those that want to blog, but really have no clue where to start. I even talk to you about how to pick a name, and why I like taglines. If you don't have a blog, start there first. Otherwise, join us and let’s get started with part two, Consistent Quality Content.
Content is King
If you've done any research on how to increase your pageviews, you've read that content is king. Yes, content is super important. Yet, there is a big difference between me chunking out recipes every day, which is content, and posting recipes with well thought out, and well written stories. This is quality content.
I know you may be asking, but who cares about where the recipe idea came from? Or, who cares about what is going on in my life? To answer that question...people care, even if they don't tell you in their comments.
I put out a survey at the end of last year to my subscribers, and 95% of the responses to the question regarding wanting just the recipe, or more information about the story or family behind the recipe, the latter was chosen.
Those are the ones that are your readers. Those are who you are writing to every time you hit publish on a post. They want quality content.
Hey Joanna, I get that, but..but..the majority of my traffic comes from Pinterest, and they are only here for the recipe. Yea, I understand what you're saying. Pinterest tops my rank in traffic too.
Understand this though, if you don't give them some insight on you or your recipe, why will they come back? Do you think they may go visit another blogger who shared the same recipe, but has two orange cats, because they too have two orange cats?
Give your readers something to say, “hey me too!”, as they are reading your post. This will make them want to read your blog over someone else's. This will also make them want to follow you on social media. These are the people that will share your recipes at office parties, and with their friends and family.
Those readers are the ones who will remember you, the blogger with two orange cats. Or a mom of twins. Or guy who owns a motorcycle. Whatever it is, you want to make a connection with that person!
Quality Content
When I write a post, I usually have a well thought out idea of what to say. If I don't, I let that one sit in the draft folder until something strikes. A lot of my recipes have a back story on why I made that particular recipe. Perhaps it was from my childhood, or reminded me of childhood. Sometimes a recipe is simply because I had a craving for something, looked for said food, altered the recipe, and made it.
Other times, more often than not, I write about what's going on currently in our lives when this recipe was made, or when I was getting ready to post it.
I want my recipes to have a story with them. I want there to be at least 350 words, and most of the time, more. I want to share several photos, at least 4, including the one at the bottom, that's my "pin worthy" image, and a “hero” image at the top.
The hero image draws the readers in! I usually have the same setup for each post as well using the hero image, a couple of paragraphs, an image, paragraphs(s), an image, my recipe, and then the pinterest image.
I'm not going to go too much into spelling and grammar, because I'm not an English major, and hated English in school. I have a best friend that can attest to that!
I will tell you though to at least read and re-read your posts. If it's sponsored, PLEASE have another set of eyes check it over!! I hate going to blogs and seeing misspelled words in work that they were paid to do. It makes you look bad.
Consistent Quality Content
Now that you know why quality content is important, not just the amount that you're putting out there. So let's talk consistency. You do not need to post seven days a week.
You do not need to post 5 days a week. If you look at some of the bigger bloggers, they only post a few days a week. The reason is that this is the number in which they feel like they can write their posts full of that quality content.
However, no matter how many days you choose to post a week, consistency is important. Those readers that care about your cat, or that your daughter was sick last week...they are relying on you for consistency. If you haven't written in over a couple of weeks, they may unfollow you. (Hello Instagram!)
Why? Because we, as people like to see new things. But we also like to know when that new content is coming. You know it's true. You know exactly when you're favorite tv show is coming on weekly. You look forward to it.
Those readers who are there for YOU, because of WHO YOU ARE, look forward to what you have to say. They are there for your recipes too (if you’re posting recipes), but they are there because they like YOU! These are important people! Remember what I said about them above?
There is no magic formula when it comes to consistency. I tried so hard to maintain 5 days a week in the beginning. I tried four days a week. Then I sort of found a magic number, three. I did drop to two during the summer because I wanted to do a test run to see how traffic varied.
I am back to three. I chose M/W/F. But you can choose any day(s) of the week. Just keep it consistent! Depending on what you write about may be a factor on the days that you should post. Just test days out and figure out what works for you, just keep it consistent and full of quality content.
What are your thoughts on content? How often are you posting? Have you tried different days of the week?
Stay tuned for part three in our series How to Quit Your Job and Become a Full Time Blogger: Promote that Content.
robin rue says
Good content is EVERYTHING. It's so much better to put out good quality content than to just put out anything that's not quite your best.
Amber Myers says
These are such fabulous tips. I always try to have quality content and I'm always honest, because I think that's important. Bloggers who hide behind a fake perfect life irk me and I rarely will come back.
Alli Smith says
Content is indeed king! I always try to tell a personal story when I blog, even when sharing recipes and party tips.
GiGi Eats says
I am ALL about consistency and routine when it comes to blogging. I post every single Tuesday - film a new video every week too. It has certainly worked for me because I have grown my following over the years - with everyone knowing I post on Tuesday 🙂
Katrina says
This is an awesome post. I'd love to be in the position to do this some day, but for now I'm gonna work on producing better content and growing my blog.
Jenn @ EngineerMommy says
Becoming a full time blogger is definitely possible but it takes a lot of work. Creating high quality content that is share-able is so important!
Jeanette says
This is a really good post! Back when I was first starting a blog I could have you something like this. You have a lot of great pointers in here on how to become a full-time blogger.
Candy says
Content is so important. Consistent is important as well. Treat it like a full time job
Cara @ Street Smart Nutrition says
I'm the queen of the draft folder! I'm a big believe in quality content too, so if I have an idea that's not fully formed yet, I wait until I'm in a place I can really focus on writing a great post. Love your advice!
Tomi c says
Great tips! Consistency is so key. Sometimes those comments inquiring about something you wrote about can spark your creativity for a future post.
serena says
Great tips! Consistency is key right there with quality content. Now making the time for that when blogging isn't yet your full time job...that's the challenge
Kristi McAllister says
I've only been blogging since last December and I admit it is hard figuring out how many days a week to post, etc. I had high hopes of 2-3 times a week, but honestly, I have a relationship/grief blog and to try to keep the quality there just doesn't work for me, so I publish once weekly and share little photos, etc during the other times on FB and IG. I think quality content is very important, no doubt, and you're right about what our readers want because I can't tell you how many women comment on my posts and say "Me too!!" -- they get it, ya know? And one other thing I've noticed is that as writers, our readers want to have a sneak peek into our world. They want to know how we feel about things. They want us to be transparent. And they want us to be real. That's what I strive for. Thanks for posting this. It's full of great info!
Karen Dawins says
Quality content is king! Absolutely! I'm a stickler for grammar and style, as well. My voice is the reason people come to my blog, so I rarely have guest posts or sponsored content. They just don't sound like "me." Looking forward to the next installment.
Milton Goh says
Content is important and yes if the writing is good and can relate to the readers, that's a winner! I post 2 blog posts per week on average. 🙂
Kita Bryant says
Quality over quantity is a huge one. Some people rush to get a ton of content but all that content won't do you squat if it's not good quality to draw traffic in.
Aishwarya Shenolikar says
I don't think I'll ever have the courage to quit my job to blog full time, no matter how much ever I'd want to! But, this is an awesome guide for those who want to!! 🙂
Jessica Joachim says
I always like to have at least 350 words as well. Giving back story and life stories for recipes is always a great ideal. It allows for more words and lets readers get to know you better.
Terri Steffes says
I hear so much conflicting advice. Some say tell a story, others say, no, give the basics, they are just here for the recipe! Whatever it is, I hope that I find it soon.
Claudia Krusch says
These are all really great tips I will have to share this with my friend. Her goal is to quit her job and be a full time blogger.
rosemary palmer says
All great tips. I so need to do this. I'm printing this off with your name so I can read again, and apply some of the ideas.
Liz Mays says
These are good points. When I'm in the habit of posting certain times each week, I'm able to use the free time more effectively to create better content.
ricci says
I think it's awesome that you were able to quit your job and become a full time blogger! I would love to do that one day!!
Shaylah Coogan says
Content is definitely key. My struggle is always time. I want my content to be informative, encouraging and helpful but I don't want to spend an entire week writing it. I'm working on that though. 🙂
Roselle Cee Tee says
I'm a full time blogger and it was only this year that I can say I started earning a decent pay for my articles. Looking forward to a much better 2018 🙂
Sondra Barker says
Content is definitely a quality over quantity type of thing. You have to diversify your blog and plan the content you will be posting! Blog posts don't just appear out of thin air, it takes careful planning and execution skills
Sondra xx
valmg @ From Val's Kitchen says
Content is important. There's no one ay to do anything, people need to do what is right for them and works for them. So many seem to think they can jump right into blogging for a living and have no clue of what is actually entailed in order to be successful.
AnnMarie John says
When it comes to blogging you have to be consistent, with the updates, with the content, with all your social media accounts. I like that you found a system that works for you which is basically to post three times a week.
Melissa Chapman says
I try and post everyday on one of my sites, but i sometimes miss a day or two, so is that bad. I loved your tips and will keep content and consistency in mind.
ashley says
love this article! becoming a full time blogger has always been a dream of mine. I think content is the most imporatant part to success!
Jeanine says
This is great. I've been helping a few friends with blogging and sometimes they feel like its never going to happen for them, so this is great to have resources to help!
Rachel says
I think good quality content is so important. If you can use an authentic voice and connect with people or something they would want to talk about or read about your golden.
Dana Peller says
Content is important. You always want to plan out what you'll be sharing. Consistency is also another important factor to blogging.
Kim croisant says
I happened upon blogging 7 or so years ago, but it's only part time money....but the best job in the world. I think everyone wants a piece of it. Thanks for helping the newbies out...even me!!
Holly says
Such a well written post! Content quality is so important. This month I am trying to post everyday, but alot of the content is stuff I have had written for a while, just haven't posted.
Natalie says
You bring up such great points! They say consistency is key, and I always try to produce quality content. Doing it full-time would be amazing!
Sam says
We have been trying to find our flow as far as what days to post. It is definitely a trial and error type of thing for us in regards to what days and pattern works best. Thanks for sharing these tips!
stacey says
Great information. I find every blogger has something to offer.
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen says
I cannot agree more! It's true, content is king adn you really have to post consistently in order for your readers to come back.
Cindy Ingalls says
Consistency is so important to your blog, no matter how many days you published a post. It's also essential to ensure that what you are delivering is of the highest quality. It's one thing to keep up the pace, but it's another to ensure what you are posting is worth reading.
GiGi Eats says
I've been blogging full time for about 3 - 4 years at this point and adore every minute of it. My advice is never be scared to just be YOU! Be are attracted to authentic personalities that don't fake it "til they make it".
Dena S. says
Yes for quality content. It is important also to be consistent, readers would love it when they know it is something from your hard work or something that you share from your heart. This post is helpful and informative!
Angela Milnes says
I try to post only a couple of times a week. Further, I try to post on the same days every week as well. Consistency helps!
Chantilly Patino says
Love these tips! I'll definitely have to remember to be more personal in our posts too. Sometimes I get busy just trying to get everything done that I don't put a personal touch on every post, but I absolutely know that these ones make the biggest impact with readers.
Heather says
Excellent tips! I really feel like you could go either way and be successful. Quality content is always great and appealing but you could also increase the content consistency and do well also. I feel like it takes me forever to publish one post but we've all seen really big influencers publishing multiple shorter posts a day doing very well too.
Sara says
These are some good tips. I think great content, value, and consistency is what keeps readers coming back and subscribe.
Chelsea Padgett says
These are some great tips. I really need to up my Pinterest game!
Dogvills says
Thanks for these tips. What works for me is to create high quality articles. I don't have to do so everyday, because that would compromise quality. My articles are well researched, proof-read, re-read, revised, 4-5 times before I finally hit that "publish" button.
Rebecca Swenor says
This is awesome information for any blogger. There is a difference between content and quality content. I believe the readers like reading the stories behind the content and they like when the bloggers are more personable. Thanks for sharing the information.
Ifeoluwa says
I do agree that content is King! consistency is something I'm working on. I work fulltime and blog but looking to transition into a fulltime blogger! These are great tips